Monday, December 17, 2012

Fake it till you make it

This advice applies to just about everything in life. I constantly have to remind myself of this rule. Because it's not easy, but I'm pretty sure it's magical.

Do you ever notice how some people seem to have the best luck? Everything seems to fall into place for them. Of course there are many, many factors that make one person lucky while another person struggles. But I'm pretty sure one of those factors boils down to attitude.

When you really want something -- a new job, a text from a boy, a parking spot at the mall -- it's easy to get bogged down by negative thoughts and worries. The thing is... why waste those thoughts on worry when you could choose confidence? Either way, the time will pass before you get -- or don't get -- what you want. Might as well act confident that you will succeed. There's something to be said for energy. Sending out anxious or doubtful vibes to the world seems a poor choice when you could instead radiate self-assuredness.

So if I visualize Johnny Depp showing up at my door with roses...? Okay, maybe not.
One trick is to visualize the feelings you will get when you achieve your goal and then snuggle into those exact feelings now like a comfy sweater. Example: when the movie theater calls you back and offers you a job, you're going to feel worthwhile and accomplished. Step into those feelings. Try them on now -- you don't have to wait for someone else to hand them to you. It's not easy to do, but it's a good exercise in sending the universe the best possible vibes.

If you convince yourself that you deserve the thing that you want (and work hard for it), chances are the rest of the world will agree with you.

1 comment:

  1. Great list .Good job keeping track. I'm surprised you don't "NOT" recommend 50 shades of gray. I started it and didn't get past the first chapter.
