Monday, November 26, 2012

Write what you want to write

This week's post is inspired by this quote I came across on Tumblr. Charlaine Harris is the author of the Sookie Stackhouse series.

Maybe the best advice I can give is … don’t be afraid to write what you want to write. Don’t decide to write a serial killer book because they’re selling, or steer clear of a subject some readers might find objectionable. Once you’ve decided on the book you want to write, work intensely until it’s the best book it can be. Don’t be afraid to listen to criticism, but pick your critics carefully.” -Charlaine Harris

A lot of writers, new writers especially, make the mistake of writing to fads. You read something super popular, like, I don't know, Twilight, and you think, "Hey, I could write a better vampire story." And so you get to work on your novel and... after working on it for a while it's likely that one of these two things will happen:

A) You find that, after all your hard work, vampires are not in anymore. Now it's angels and -- oh wait -- now zombies. It's true that fads come in waves -- you think you've got a good shot with your vamp romance because the bookstores are full of them. The thing is, the publishing industry moves slowly. What this means for you is that by the time vampire novels hit the shelves, publishing houses are sick of them and are looking for the next big thing. 

So, should you look out for the next big thing and jump on that train? No. Not necessarily. Because:

B) Writing a novel is a commitment. You need to be invested in your project; you need to care about it more than anyone else ever can. Chances are, if you choose the topic of your novel just because it's popular, you won't feel as strongly about it as you should. Nothing is worse for the fate of your novel than you, the writer, losing interest. If you don't believe in it, who will? 

Write about something you care about. Write that story that won't let you go -- even if you're not sure why. It might be far from the latest Jack the Ripper trend. You might feel like no one would ever want to read about this topic. And you might be right... or you might be onto something exciting. My point is, if you care deeply enough about your topic to see it all the way through to the end, your novel will have a much better chance than if you choose a popular topic that you only sort of care about. 

That said, if the story that keeps waking you up at night, waiting to be written, happens to fit a current trend, go ahead and write it. If you think you have a fresh spin on a topic, go for it. The most important thing is your own level of passion for the book you are writing. Don't be afraid to write about controversial topics. My current WIP (work in progress) deals with some sensitive subjects, but I have enough faith in the story not to be bothered by potential controversy. Be true to yourself. Don't worry about the trends. Write what you want to write.

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